
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Allow up to 2 homes in formerly single-family zones

State: New Hampshire

Status: Pending 🕒

Formal Title: An act allowing municipalities to permit 2 residential units in certain single-family residential zones.

Summary: Allows single-family homes on lots of 2 acres or less in at least 50% of a municipality's single-family zones to expand to 2 units by right, without discretionary review, if certain conditions are met. These include being outside hazard areas, not demolishing more than 25% of walls (with exceptions), and not eliminating moderate/low-income restricted units. Municipalities can apply objective standards that don't preclude 2 1,250+ sqft units, require septic upgrades and parking, deny projects with specific adverse impacts, and require 30+ day rental terms. Temporary delays allowed for inadequate water/sewer.

Main sponsors: Rebecca McWilliams

Legislative text: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_Status/billinfo.aspx?id=1756