Limit parking to 2 per unit and address various landlord-tenant issues
State: New Hampshire
Status: Pending 🕒
Formal Title: AN ACT relative to residential parking spaces, landlord-tenant law, unauthorized occupant evictions, and zoning procedures concerning residential housing.
Summary: Limits the maximum number of residential parking spaces municipalities can require to 2 per unit. Defines terms related to tenants and specifies rights and obligations in unauthorized occupant evictions. Provides remedies for landlord-tenant law violations. Establishes a tax relief program for office-to-residential conversions, allows municipalities to adopt zoning ordinance changes, and adds authority for zoning powers concerning parking and lot size requirements related to sewer infrastructure.
Main sponsors: Rebecca McWilliams, Josh Yokela
Legislative text: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_Status/billinfo.aspx?id=1759