
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Study whether some buildings should be allowed to have just one exit

State: Virginia

Status: Enacted ✅

Formal Title: An Act to direct the Board of Housing and Community Development to convene a stakeholder advisory group to evaluate and recommend revisions to the Uniform Statewide Building Code to permit Group R-2 occupancies to be served by a single exit.

Summary: Directs the Board of Housing and Community Development to convene a stakeholder advisory group, including fire code officials, to recommend revisions to the Uniform Statewide Building Code allowing Group R-2 occupancies up to six stories to have a single exit. The group must submit findings by December 1, 2024.

Main sponsors: Adele Y. McClure

Legislative text: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?241+sum+HB368