
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Set housing goals, impose some density requirements, and legalize ADUs

State: Maine

Status: Enacted ✅

Magnitude: Major

Formal Title: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions

Summary: Enacts measures to increase housing opportunities across Maine by setting statewide and regional housing production goals, in collaboration with the Maine State Housing Authority. It mandates municipalities to permit higher density affordable housing developments, establishing a density minimum of 2.5 times the base density in multifamily dwelling zones, with specific off-street parking space caps. The act requires a 30-year minimum duration for affordable housing developments' restrictive covenants. Dictates municipalities to allow up to four dwelling units per lot in designated growth areas or where municipal services are available, aiming to streamline the approval process for such developments. Allows accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on single-family lots, sets minimum size requirements for ADUs, and mandates municipal compliance with water and wastewater service verification for housing units.

Main sponsors: Ryan Fecteau

Legislative text: https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/summary.asp?ID=280082953