
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Statewide density bonus and streamlined approvals for affordable housing

State: Rhode Island

Status: Enacted ✅

Formal Title: An act relating to towns and cities -- low and moderate income housing

Summary: Establishes statewide density bonus ranging from 5 to 12 units per acre for developments with 25% to 100% deed-restricted low- and moderate-income housing. Streamlines the approval process by removing the requirement for developments to demonstrate no significant negative environmental impacts. Preempts limits on family-sized units and excessive parking requirements, applicable to both single-family and multifamily developments. Includes provisions for areas unserved by public sewer.

Main sponsors: Dominick J. Ruggerio, Ryan W. Pearson, Hanna M. Gallo, Jonathon Acosta

Legislative text: https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/billtext23/senatetext23/s1037.htm