
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Try to ease the pain of utility connection charges for new housing

State: California

Status: Pending 🕒

Formal Title: An act to add Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 8395) to Division 4.1 of the Public Utilities Code, relating to utility service.

Summary: Prohibits connection, capacity, or other point of connection charges from public utilities or special districts for electrical, gas, sewer, or water service for new housing construction from exceeding 1% of the reported building permit value of the housing unit. Requires these charges to be issued over a period of at least 10 years from when the housing unit is first occupied, with subsequent owners continuing payment if sold within that period. Mandates public utilities and special districts to prioritize new housing construction for electrical, gas, sewer, and water service connections over other structures. Additionally, requires public reporting on the internet of any charges issued by the housing unit’s address annually.

Main sponsors: Nancy Skinner

Legislative text: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB1210