
A compendium of YIMBY legislative efforts.


Bypass supply-killing requirements in cities not meeting housing goals

State: California

Status: Enacted ✅

Formal Title: An act to amend Sections 65400 and 65582.1 of, and to add and repeal Section 65913.4 of, the Government Code, relating to housing.

Summary: This bill creates a streamlined, ministerial approval process for infill housing developments in localities not meeting their regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) goals, provided the development meets certain requirements. Eligible developments must comply with objective zoning standards, be on an infill site, pay prevailing wages, meet affordable housing requirements based on the locality's progress toward RHNA goals, and meet other criteria. The bill limits parking requirements and prohibits locals from applying additional requirements based on the streamlining. Approvals are valid for 3 years. The bill sunsets on January 1, 2026.

Main sponsors: Scott Wiener

Legislative text: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB35

Related bills: SB423